PowerUp 3.0 User Manual

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Autonomous Period Robots start the match contacting their Alliance Station wall, with no part of the robot inside the Exchange Zone, with up to 1 power cube preloaded onto the robot. While most of the field is alliance-neutral, including where the scoring areas are located, there are some alliance-specific zones, which are the Null Territory, Platform Zone, Power Cube Zone and Exchange Zone on the field, and the Alliance Station and Portals outside the field. Utilisez toujours la pompe dans des zones bien aérées. Any errors and get ya RMA for the memory.

The Power Cube Zone includes the tape used to define the area, but not the Switch that it is adjacent to. It includes the tape, Switch and Tower walls used to define the area as well as the rung connected to the Tower.

Power Fist 1-1/2 in. User Manual - See step 1; install the updated drivers. An alliance also gains ownership of their Switch if the Force Power Up is played at level 1 or 3, and gains ownership of the Scale if the Force Power Up is played at level 2 or 3.

FIRST POWER UP, the 2018 FIRST Robotics competition game, includes two alliances of video game characters and their human operators who are trapped in an arcade game. Both alliances are working to defeat the boss in order to escape! Robots collect Power Cubes and place them on Plates to control Switches or the Scale. When the Scale or their Switch is tipped in their favor, it is considered owned by that Alliance. Alliances work to have Ownership for as much time as possible. Robots deliver Power Cubes to their humans who then place them into the Vault earning the Alliance Power Ups. Alliances use Power Ups to gain a temporary advantage during the Match. There are three Power Ups available to teams: Force, Boost, and Levitate. Force gives the alliance ownership of the Switch, Scale or both for a limited period of time Boost doubles the rate points are earned for a limited period of time Levitate give a robot a free climb 3. Robots Climb the Scale in order to be ready to Face The Boss. Each match begins with a 15-second Autonomous period in which Robots operate only on pre-programmed instructions. During this period, Robots work to support the three efforts listed above as well as earn points for crossing their Auto Line. Credit to FIRST for their description of the game in the 2018 Game manual.


During this time, robots can earn additional points by performing tasks in their Platform Zone. During this period, Robots work to support the three efforts listed above as well as earn points for crossing their Auto Line. Autonomous Period: Robots operate independently following preprogrammed instructions for the first fifteen seconds of the match. Force gives the alliance ownership of the Switch, Scale or both for a limited period of time Boost doubles the rate points are earned for a limited period of time Levitate give a robot a free climb 3. It includes the tape used to define the area but not the Guardrails. For every whole second that an alliance owns the Scale in Teleop, they gain an additional 1 point, or 2 points first power up manual the Boost Power Up is active at level 2 or 3. Gas Powered Water Pump 8207441 TROUBLE SHOOTING Problem Cause Solution The pump cannot pump Not enough water to prime Add more water to the pump Inlet pipe leakage Check the inlet pipe and pipe connection. Robots of the opposing alliance may not cause Power Cubes that are inside the Power Cube Zone to be removed from the Power Cube Zone. If this equipment further information can be found at does cause interference to radio and television www.